Spring, which is a widely used Java EE framework, added support for building RESTful web services in Release 3. Spring是一个得到广泛应用的javaEE框架,它在版本3以后就增加了RESTfulWebServices开发的支持。
Spring. jar: Download the latest Spring Framework release. jar:下载最新的SpringFramework版本。
This defect will be fixed in a future release of Spring Roo. 此缺陷将会在SpringRoo的后续版本中修复。
Spring: Download the latest Spring release. Spring:下载最新的Spring发行版。
Spring Roo V1.1.0 is the latest production release version, and active development is happening under the V1.1.1 release. SpringRooV1.1.0是最新发布版本,目前正在积极开发V1.1.1版本。
In the parks and lawns the grass and trees were like the wild beasts confined in iron cages at the zoo-restricted and lonely; there simply was no place for spring to release its full splendor. 公园和住宅花园里的草木,好比动物园里铁笼子关住的野兽,拘束、孤独,不够春光尽情的发泄。
Two of the key features we are working on adding for our next release are support for eventing ( pub/ sub interactions) and Spring. 我们正在做的并将在下一个版本中发布的两个关键特性是对消息传输(发布/订阅模式)及Spring的支持。
Roo project lead Ben Alex recently posted a blog entry about the new release of Roo with a sample application on how to install the framework and create Spring applications using Roo. Roo的项目领导BenAlex最近发表了一篇关于这一新版本的博文,其中带一个例子应用,解释了如何安装框架并用Roo创建Spring应用。
This new release offers Java developers a complete AJAX platform with baked-in support for many of the frameworks they currently use, including Struts, Spring MVC and Java Server Faces. 这个新的版本为Java开发者提供了一个完整的Ajax平台,支持许多常用的框架,包括Struts、SpringMVC和JavaServerFaces。
When in the spring after reason, it waits for the last release edition of the CCD, you were being entwined commenting of another other companies clearly. 当在春天在原因以后,它等电荷耦合器件的最后发行编辑,你是被纠缠的评论其它其它公司清楚地。
Hanging garden has been designed with an unique style, which lets you feel like spring, no matter when, you can release soul and enjoy freedom here. 别具一格的空中花园,让您感觉春天无时不在您身边,在这里可以释放心灵、享受自由。
The new release contains several project templates to help jumpstart new Spring-based projects. 新版本含有几个项目模板以帮助开发者快速构建新的Spring项目。
The recent release of Spring Roo, a round-tripping code generation tool used to develop Spring applications in Java, offers Tomcat, JMS and Selenium support. SpringRoo是一个用Java开发Spring应用的双向(round-tripping)代码生成工具,其最新版提供了Tomcat、JMS和Selenium支持。
The final release is planned for spring of2009, though a Microsoft press release cites a more conservative schedule with a release in the second half of2009. 最终版本计划在2009年春天发布,微软官方新闻上所说的发布时间是2009年下半年。
She's doesn't spring to mind as a typical Avon Lady, but pop star Fergie has signed on to the brand to release her first ever fragrance. 让盛行歌星菲姬承当雅芳小姐是一件凡人看来风马牛不相及的事情。不过她最近曾经和雅芳签约来公布她的第一款香水。
The contracts with the construction companies will be signed early next year, with the goal to start the main construction works in spring followed by the release of the remaining tender packages. 与建筑公司签订的合约将于明年初签订的目标,开始由其余投标包发布之后春天的主要建造工程。
The toy gun is black with an orange nose and trigger and red spring release mechanism. 该玩具枪是黑色的,带有橙色的前端和扳机,以及红色的弹簧式脱开装置。
The latest release of OpenEJB, an open source lightweight EJB3.0 implementation framework, supports EJB3.1 Singletons, Constructor Injection and integration with Spring framework. 最新版的OpenEJB(一个开源、轻量级的EJB3.0实现框架)支持EJB3.1Singletons、构造器注入及与Spring框架的集成。
From one week to the next we might be able to spring into action, so keep positive and know that we come to release you all from your prison planet. 一两个星期内我们将能够付诸行动,所以请保持积极的心态,并且知道我们将把你们从当前的任何监牢情形中解放。
The data from National Bureau of Statistic of China ( NBS) tell me: The essence of Little Spring isn't the release of rigid demand for home ownership. 国家统计局的数据告诉我小阳春的本质并非刚性自住需求的释放!
Spring Social does not support these schemes in its1.0.0 release, but we are looking into them for a future release. SpringSocial的1.0.0版本中尚未提供对以上认证策略的支持,但是已经考虑在未来的发布中增加进去。
Spring force clamps and hydraulic force release it. 弹簧力钳住和液压力量释放。
Work has been started to get tooling support for this valuable enhancement right with the initial release of Spring Security. 就在SpringSecurity首次发布的同时,我们已经开始着手为这个非常有价值的扩展提供工具支持。
The new STS release includes some improvements in the visual editor for Spring Batch to support a broad range of editing tasks. 新版STS对SpringBatch的可视化编辑器进行了一些改进以支持更多的编辑功能。
The press release lists Spring related technologies that will be "supported". 新闻稿中列出了将要“受支持的”Spring相关的技术。
The hot mineral spring sanatorium is a place where using this kind of good natural physics and chemistry factor in hot mineral spring to release some health problems. 温矿泉疗养院是借助温矿泉这种良好的自然理化因子,利用其中富含的多种有益矿物质微量元素对人进行医疗保健的特定场所。
Most of the sediment point plays "collect" role in spring, the sediments phosphate release is very low. 春季中大部分点位沉积物都起着汇的作用,从沉积物中释放的磷酸盐量也很低。
Therefore, aquatic plant growth will eventually reduce phosphorus release rate in spring and summer. When plants died in winter, release rate will increase, finally. 因此,春夏时节长时间的水生植物生长最终会使沉积物中磷的释放速率降低;冬季植物死亡一段时间后,释放速率会有所增加。